
Showing posts from October, 2019


     So the story that we read was called “the pedestrian”it was a good and chilling story and it was kinda of scary if you think about it because it was about a guy walking minding his own business and suddenly he is stopped by a cop on that fine summer day and when the cop stopped him wasn’t nervous or scared because  he didn’t do anything wrong so he stayed calm.       When he stated to reply to the cop he was looking up to him and showing man mam to man courage so then the cop thought he was doing something bad but in reality he was just walking to walk to enjoy life because tomorrow is never promised he was actually nice so the cop wasn’t quick to pull out his gun or do sum other brutality stuff.        When the cop stopped him he was honestly surprised and he didn’t want to get any when the cop stopped he was honestly surprised he didn’t want a gun pulled on him or anything so he replied to the cop to a sweet loving voice even thoe outside it was freezing and rare for someone t

Story of my life!!!

One story about my life is that I had a football game this Friday and my teammates and I would practice day after day in order to Come our successful that Friday.

So this guy goes for a walk!!!

this guy goes for a walk and is a really mindful guy that was at the peer and was happy to be alone and he loved watching the water and smoking a cigarette.


Basically with the post is summarizing is that there are a lot of people that are not on the same page as a part of the post said that there is a lot of conversations that lead up into and argument and there’s are also lots of people that aren’t speaking from the heart or generally speaking the truth

Same worlds different people

Today talk was very intense because lots of things were being said we all need to work and come together as a community to form a great society in order to succeed in our education

Vocabulary we need!!!!

meme:a funny image or video Virus:a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a determined effect Viral:something like a photo or video being popular or know that is rapidly being spread Blog:(something like this one)A place where you can tell people how u feel or just so u can express yourself Wiki:it’s a website that can be updated by people so it can be 100% realizable URL:the address of a web browser Website:a set of related web pages located under a single domain Www:world wide web Internet:a global computer network providing a variety of info 2.0:something that was made to be better then the original Open source:a source freely opened Technically:the application of scientific knowledge of practical purposes

The value of time

The talk that we had in class today was scary to think about because if only 2 people brought there resumes and they have good grades then we do we have coming at us

How I read!!

my first impression on the essay was that it was really good and I think it was unnecessary because in my opinion if u miss a day then it’s fine because no one in life is perfect and everyone misses some days and yesterday u missed because u weren’t feeling good and the popsicle sticks part was a great and interesting idea.

Investing in me!!

when I graduate from high school and start my life I would probably first get a job and then after I worked for a while get a house and save up for college and play football next level.

Letter to a mentor draft 1

my mentor is a fast runner because I wanna be really fast and ik im really fast and ik im fast already but I want to be faster because im never satisfied with my work and I wanna be really really fast.

Hawthorne & poem on dreams

Hawthorne and the poem dream are the same because I think hawthorn was a dream with the whole snake thing and the whole Adam and Eve poems were similar.